Earthx2024 Congress of Conferences April 22-26, 2024

Location: Hilton Anatole | Dallas, TX

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Full Agenda:

Earth Law Center Events

Date: 4/23/2024 | Time: 3:30 pm
Legalizing the Rights and Voices of Nature
Does Nature have rights, and should it be entitled to a formal voice in governance? A growing number of actors believe so. Earth law is an emerging legal field intended to align human laws with
Nature’s law. It encompasses the Rights of Nature, rights of future generations, legal guardianship of nonhumans, and more. Panelists will share their cutting-edge work in courtrooms, classrooms,
boardrooms, governments, and communities. Earth law cultivates transformative change.

Moderator: Grant Wilson - Executive Director, Earth Law Center

Kevin Schneider -Legal Counsel, Animal Rights Expert, Earth Law Center
Callie Veelenturf - Executive Director, The Leatherback Project
Anthony Robert Zelle - General Counsel and Director of Education, Earth Law Center
Pooja Sharma - Strategy & Operations Officer, Earth Law Center

Date: 4/24/2024 | Time: 10:10 am

Religion, Ecology and Law

We’re all In This Together. Through ecology and religion, physical and spiritual worlds merge. Through Earth law, judges and lawmakers - powered by the people - can meld these forces to hone the moral compass of political and corporate-powered environmentalism.

This panel will explore the ideas of Trammell Crow and Bill Shireman described in their book: In This Together: How Republicans, Democrats, Capitalists and Activists are Uniting to Tackle Climate Change and More.

Moderator: Anthony Robert Zelle - General Counsel and Director of Education, Earth Law Center; Board Chair, Center for Ecozoic Studies

Rabbi Or Rose - Founding Director of the Betty Ann Greenbaum Miller Center for Interreligious Learning & Leadership of Hebrew College
Richard Cizik - Executive Director, Evangelicals For Democracy. President New Evangelical Partnership for the Common Good
Natalia Greene - Global Director, Global Alliance for the Rights of Nature

Date: 4/24/2024 | Time: 11 am

Short Film: “Saving the Elwha River’s Forests”

Against the backdrop of stunning landscapes and stirring testimonials, “Saving the Elwha River’s Forests” captures the urgency of the environmental crisis and the power of grassroots activism to e ect change. In the face of unbalanced resource extraction, the film serves as a poignant reminder of the Olympic Penninsula’s interconnected ecosystem and our duty to protect and preserve the natural wonders that sustain us all.

Moderator: Dr. Missy Lahren - Chair, Earth Law Center

Speaker: Elizabeth Dunne - Director of Advocacy, Earth Law Center