Nature on the Board
Under this framework, the voice of Nature is brought at the strategic and decision-making table, and can include Nature as Director (NAD), Nature as Advisory Counsel (NAC)
Earth Law Practice has sprung from the academic work of the Earth Law Center and the Center for Ecozoic Studies.
In 2021, Aspen Publishing released the groundbreaking coursebook Earth Law: Emerging Ecocentric Law—A Guide for Practitioners. A second edition will be published in 2026. Earth law is proliferating, as is Earth law education, as are Earth lawyers.
It’s time to align our law’s with Nature’s laws.
Join a global community passionate about elevating Earth Law to new heights.
Gain invaluable insights from experienced lawyers and experts in our acclaimed program.
Connect with a diverse network of Earth advocates dedicated to making a real difference on a global scale.
Take action today and be a catalyst for positive change in the legal landscape.
The Course
The course is 24 modules, completely virtual, and will be based on our book: Earth Law: Emerging Eccocentric Law - A Guide for Practitioners
Our carefully curated selection of reading and viewing materials is designed to make the complexities of legal jargon more accessible and engaging for all participants. Dive into captivating narratives, visual aids, and real-world case studies that not only demystify legal concepts but also showcase the profound impact Earth Law has on our daily lives. Whether you're a seasoned legal professional or a newcomer, our resources will enrich your understanding, spark thought-provoking discussions, and empower you to champion environmental justice with newfound clarity and confidence. More Info
All of our client services are co-developed to ensure the most expedient and efficient process for...
The ecological polycrisis is caused by market-driven human activities. The corporate, economic, financial, legal, private and public sectors are all reliant on the Earth. It is evident that Nature must be integrated in decision-making processes to achieve ecological harmonious living.
Our team works with corporate decision-makers to determine how the expression of the voice of Nature may catalyze systemic change, to achieve strategic, complex, and transformational goals; including SDGs, ESG, CSR and Nature-related treaty compliance.
Legal professionals in corporate systems and private practice, alongside NGOs, public institutions, and grassroots Earth lawyers are driving the movement toward ecocentric law and governance.
Our team offers workshops, orientations, symposia, as well as strategic planning and individual training, to support its clients on their journey towards holistic Nature governance.
Earth ethics is the moral backbone of Earth law and Earth jurisprudence. Practicing Earth law demands collective action towards balancing an Earth ethos with the profit driven ethos of corporate law and legal systems. The interstitial space is a void that will be filled by emerging corporate Earth law.
Our team offers coaching, mentoring and evaluative services to individuals and teams, towards building an Earth law based ethical praxis and a community of practice, as well as nurturing eco-driven alliances and missions.
Nature Governance integrates the voice and the way of Nature in the decision-making, strategic planning, and culture of an organization. It is an innovative journey in our collective efforts to respect, harmonize and make peace with Nature; to reverse biodiversity loss, and to transform the human activities that have caused climate change. Leaders, decision-makers, policy influencers, directors and managers are empowered to shepherd the evolution of their organization as a force for common good; through four Nature governance frameworks.
Under this framework, the voice of Nature is brought at the strategic and decision-making table, and can include Nature as Director (NAD), Nature as Advisory Counsel (NAC)
Coaching consultancy, advising. Nature in professional development, coaching in nature consciousness. This is where we develop skills to drive the movement forwards and become more nature conscious. More specific to individuals.
Need to describe change management in organizations, communities, collectives etc towards change management and transitional transformation, changing collective culture and aligning with the voice of nature. More about the larger organization and consciousness shifting of the collective and its outcomes. Facilitation services etc.
When there is a project with a goal and they want the voice of nature within that project. We can provide the scrum master to collaborate and produce the desired outcome. (for all types of organizations or projects, shorter scale projects, community driven or larger)
George Washington University, Thursday, September 14 & Friday, September 15, 2023
Tony Zelle serves as chair of the board for the Center for Ecozoic Studies, an education, imagination, dialogue, and action center for an ecological age. Its mission is to advance ecology and culture as the organizing principles of societies. CES do this by informing, inspiring, and encouraging people in the Great Work of co-creating the Ecozoic era.
Tony Zelle serves as Ocean Floor Restoration mimics natural oceanic mineral compounds, customized to site, species, and function building aquaculture possibilities globally.
Help rebuild homes for homeless ocean species with Reef Life! Reef Life has developed an unprecedented coral reef restoration system called IntelliReefs that fosters new coral growth, increases fish abundance & enhances biodiversity.
The University of Exeter Law School
Royal College of Art, London
Univ. of California Hastings School of Law
Columbia University Law School
Cardozo Law School
George Washington University Law School
Northeastern University Law School
University of Cape Town
Johannesburg University Law School
Varsity College Law School
Colby College
University of Wisconsin
The George Washington Univ. Law School
Nigeria Federal Univ. of Petroleum Resources