Anthony Zelle, General Counsel
Anthony Zelle is an Earth lawyer. While serving as Chair and President of the Earth Law Center, following 30 years in private practice, he served as lead editor and author of the only comprehensive book on the subject: Earth Law: Emerging Ecocentric Law-A Guide for Practitioners. Developed for law school curricula, and now part of developing LLM programs in the U.S. and the U.K., the book has also become the primary reference source for practitioners.
The focus of his current work is developing Earth lawyers and revenue-generating opportunities for Earth lawyers. The Nature in the Boardroom Program offered by the Earth Law Center is one example. The Speaker Series, Earth law workshops, continuing legal and ethical education and ecocentric legal templates.

+1 617.388.4782 |

Earth law education and practice development (2016-present)

Earth Law Center - Board chair, director, general counsel, education innovator, writer, editor, strategist. Produced Award-winning law school coursebook. Created and delivered Earth law summer class (2021-23). Seeded Earth law education in 45 countries. Co-developed innovative nature governance policy and programs for B-Corps, C-corps, NGO's, governmental agencies.

Private law practice (1986-2017)

Robins Zelle Larson & Kaplan, Zelle & Larson, Robinson & Cole, Zelle McDonough & Cohen - Founded and managed boutique litigation partnership to handle fraud victim recovery actions, consumer protection matters, fiduciary duty law, insurance coverage and bad faith law. >100 clients > 500 matters >30 trials, >20 appeals, >3000 courtroom hours before judges and justices. Ocean preservation and restoration (2021-present) Reef Life Restoration, Reef Life Foundation, IntelliReefs - Business and legal counsel

Non-profit legal community building (1997-present)
Earth Law Center 2016-present Defense Research Institute 1997-2016 Board of directors, Insurance Law Committee chair, education, publications, symposia, conferences, workshops, strategic planning

Waltham Community Farm, 2015-2017 Board director, finance committee

Green Newton, 2017-present Board director, advisor

Recent Engagements

1.16.23 | World Economic Forum, Davos

The Annual Meeting convened leaders from government, business, and civil society to address the state of the world and discuss priorities for the year ahead.

8.18.22 | Climate Week, New York City

New York Climate Week Thought Leadership Dinner on Corporate Governance.
ELC and Earth Law Practice partners facilitated a thought leadership dinner on how movements for the rights of Nature and future generations can inform corporate law and governance. Participants including leading civil society groups and corporate lawyers. A huge thank you to Shearman & Sterling for hosting the event and providing food & drinks!

3.10.23 | The University of Exeter, Cornwall, UK

The Earth Law Practice team had the pleasure of running a workshop on the Penryn campus of the University of Exeter in Cornwall, UK. Alexandra and Tony eloquently explained the concept of Nature on the Board and heard many insightful and fresh perspectives from a large group of current students. ELCs Kelsey Leonard also gave an inspiring talk on the rights of water, which was received with plentiful interest. The trip ended with a networking dinner with faculty and students, the team and the Exeter Centre for Environmental Law will be a long-standing partner with the Earth Law Practice team.

3.10.23 | Royal College of Art, London

The Earth Law Practice team were warmly welcomed at the Royal College of Art in London, UK. Alexandra gave a talk on the concept of Nature Governance and received inspiring feedback from the artists in attendance. The strong synergies seen between Art and creativity and Nature Governance triggered fantastic discussions, and the team at the Royal College will continue to work with the Earth Law Practice team to further this partnership.